Friday, 1 February 2013

Query Selector Demo
A1 A2 A3
B1 B2 B3
C1 C2 C3
Focus the button, hover over the table cells, and hit Enter to identify them using querySelector('td:hover').

Sunday, 27 January 2013


go to START and click than go to contol panel and again click now click on

"control panel"

than you have
img src="control panel.jpg" width="800" height="400"/>

"administator tools”

than you have administator tools

now click on

"ODBC Data Source"

than you have it

Click on either the

“User DSN”"

or the “System DSN” tab
•A “User DSN” is only visible and available to the user currently logged on to the current computer.
• A “System DSN” is available to any user logged on to the workstation.
• At this point you are in the “Create New Data Source” dialog box.

Double click on the ODBC driver for the data source (database) you want to access. For example,you might click on

“Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)”

ODBC driver Setup Dialog
• In the “Data Source Name” box, type in a name for the data source. This string does not have to be the actual name of your database or table.
• In the “Description” box, enter some description of the data source.
• In the “Database” box, click on the “Select...” button, and browse to find the database (or data source).

After finding your data source, click on “OK”, and back out of the “ODBC Data Source Administrator”.

Back to

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

How to change the serial number used in Windows XP, Valid for XP Corporate

Step 1

Open Start/Run... and type the command:

regedit and click "OK" (or press ENTER).

Go to HKey_Local_Machine\Software\Microsoft\WindowsNT\Current Version\WPAEvents,

on the right double click on "oobetimer" and change at least one digit of this value to deactivate windows.

Click "OK" and close the Registry Editor.

Step 2

Open Start/Run... and type the command:
%systemroot%\system32\oobe\msoobe.exe /a and click "OK" (or press ENTER).

This will bring up the "Activate Windows" window.

Check the option for "Yes, I want to telephone a customer service representative to activate Windows" and click "Next"

Step 3

Then click "Change Product Key" (don't enter any information on that screen)

Step 4

Type in the new key and click "Update"

The activate Windows by phone window will reappear at this point, just close it by clicking the X in the upper right hand corner

Step 5

Reboot your system and Open Start/Run... and type the command:
%systemroot%\system32\oobe\msoobe.exe /a and click "OK" (or press ENTER).

If you see "Windows is already activated" then everything is OK.

Keep Folders Hidden

first create a new folder somewhere on your hard drive
1. clickl rigt button of mouse  than new and click new folder

2. when you name it hold down "Alt" and press "0160" this will create and invisible space so it will apper
 as if it has no name.
 after that you have

3. right click in and select "Properties" select the tab

"coustimize" and select "change icon" scroll

along and you should a few blanc spaces click on any one and click ok when you hav saved

the settings the folder will be invisible to hide all your personal files

How to open find XP’s hidden Administrator account

Step1: Click on "Start" >


type regedit

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\SpecialAccounts\UserList

(note that there is a space in the Windows NT). Right click in the right pane and select New, DWord value.
Give the value the same name as the Username on the Welcome Screen (it must match) for the account you wish to hide or show.
Double click the new value and set it to 1 to show the account on the Welcome Screen, or set it to 0 to hide the account.

Now what you have just done is told the computer to backup the command program
and the screen saver file, then edits the settings so when the machine boots the
screen saver you will get an unprotected dos prompt with out logging into XP.
Once this happens if you enter this command minus the quotes
"net user <admin account name here> password"
If the Administrator Account is called Frank and you want the password blah enter this
"net user Frank blah"
and this changes the password on franks machine to blah and your in.

dont forget to copy the contents of temphack back into the system32 dir to cover tracks
Any updates

How to Use God Mode in Windows 7 God Mode in Windows 7

Foll the following steps to create god mode folder:
1. Create a new folder
2. Rename the folder to GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}
You can change word GodMode to any other word you like your name or your friends name
3.The folder icon will change ,then  double click it to show the GodMode windows options.

how yo Get Remove From Error Reporting In XP

Step 1. Right-click My Computer and choose Properties.

Step 2. Click the Advanced tab on your System Properties dialog box.

Step 3. Click the Error Reporting button on the Advanced tab.

Step 4. Place a check mark next to "Disable error reporting."

Step 5. Leave the other radio button unchecked next to the text labeled, "But notify me when critical errors occur."

Step 6. Click OK

How To Clear Your Private And Sensitive Information Automatically On System Shutdown?

Follow the given simple steps to set your system clear page file automatically.

Note: Log-In in your Administrative Account

Step1: Click on "Start" >> "Control Panel" >> "Administrative Tools".

Step2: Now "Local Security Settings" panel will appear, on left side of this panel click on "Local Policies". Here click on "Security Options"

Step3: Then at Right side Find the "Shutdown: Clear virtual memory pagefile" option double click on it.

Step4: Now small dialog box will appear with options, "Enabled or Disabled" the page file.
select Enable >>  click Apply then click OK.

Set the status of NUM LOCK key enabled automatically

1. Click Start button then type regedit in Run option then press Enter for next.
Here locate the location to:

2. HKEY_USERS\.Default\Control Panel\Keyboard
3. Here in right side panel, double click on the value InitialKeyboardIndicators then change its value data from 0 to 2.
4. Now close the registry editor and restart your computer after any changes to go into effect.